How Brainstorm Works.

The way it works is that a trivia question will be posted every day and a riddle posted every week. You will submit your answer in the comment section along with confidence points you want to apply (1-5).

All questions will be up until the end of the month so submit when ever you like. Standings will be updated every month.

Good luck and have fun.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Standings Updated


The Trivia and Riddle/Brain Teaser Standings are now up to date, not counting the current round.  Keep working to get in those entries in and good luck to all of you.  Any questions or requests to bow out, please let me know.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sept. '15 Round 3 Answers

Two Teams Dennis Rodman Played For
Detroit Pistons and Chicago Bulls

NFL Team With A Music Note As The Team Logo
St. Louis Blues

NFL Quarterback That Currently Hold Most TDs Of All-Time
Peyton Manning

#1 Male And Female Tennis Players
Novak Djokovic And Serena Williams

There Are Eight Divisions In The NFL
AFC North, South, East, West
NFC North, South, East, West

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Riddle #2: Positioning

2 Points
Submit Answer by Saturday, September 26th at 11:59pm
via Comment Below or Send an Email (Click the Link)

You are running in a 10K.  You are reaching the 2/3 mark of the race and you feel like you are about to die, but all of a sudden you get a burst of energy and you eventually passed the 107th person.  After passing them, what position are you in?


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fantasy Hockey: SNGHL - Spots Open

Yahoo Sports Fantasy Hockey
You have been invited to join my custom hockey fantasy league, "SNGHL"

Join Now

Still have spots open in the league (6 Total).  Autodraft is scheduled to happen on Monday. If you are interested to participate, please join in. The draft is automatic, but you can preset your picks. Email me at if you have any questions.

You will need to be logged into Yahoo in order to join the league. Click Here if you have forgotten your username or password.

Draft well and have a great season!

-- Yahoo Fantasy Sports

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sept. '15 Round 3 Trivia (19 Total Points)

September '15 Round 2 Trivia is done and Round 3 is up.  Click the below.  Like normal, you have until Saturday, September 26th at 11:59pm..

Have fun and good luck.

Sept. '15 Round 2 Answers

Age of Yoda When He Died
Marshall Mathers (Eminem)'s Won An Oscar For
Best Song
The Actor In Most Pixar Films
John Ratzenburger
2 Actors In All Five Mission Impossible Movies
Tom Cruise & Ving Rhames

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Riddle #1: Name The Object

2 Points
Answer Due By Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 11:59pm
via Facebook Messenger or Email

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it and gray when you throw it away?


Sept. '15 Round 1 Answers

List Top Three U.S. Cities By Population
(In Order)
New York City, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Chicago, IL

Name All Seven Continents
North America
South America

Most Forgotten Continent

Desert to Continent
Arabian - Asia
Death Valley - North America
Gobi - Asia
Kalahari - Africa
Mohave - North America
Sahara - Africa

Most Populated Country

2nd: India
3rd: U.S.A.

Good Luck On Round 2