How Brainstorm Works.

The way it works is that a trivia question will be posted every day and a riddle posted every week. You will submit your answer in the comment section along with confidence points you want to apply (1-5).

All questions will be up until the end of the month so submit when ever you like. Standings will be updated every month.

Good luck and have fun.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

7-31-17 Games | Trivia of the Day

Name the four railroads on the Monopoly board game.  2 Points for each correct answer. 

Post your answers in the comments

Source: Mental Turbulence 


Saturday, July 30, 2016

7-30-17 Geography | Trivia of the Day

Which of these states are not part of the Bible Belt?  

- Georgia
- Maryland
- North Carolina
- Tennessee

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Friday, July 29, 2016

Merge & Rise

have decided to make big move in gaming where I am merging the Trivia/Riddle group and the Fantasy Sport group together to make Crestworld Games.   The Competition Gaming group for all to participate.  

This page will hold the standing for all the competitions in Crestworld.   Hope you all enjoy the new format or merge and get your friends involved

7-29-17 Government | Trivia of the Day

Ok, just like last week, but slightly different.  

Name the Democratic Nominees for 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012?

Match the year to the nominee.  2 points for each one you got correct. 

Source: Mental Turbulence

Post your answer in the comments.  

Thursday, July 28, 2016

7-28-17 Sports | Trivia of the Day

Which NFL QB has the most TD passes in one season?

- Payton Manning
- Joe Montana
- Brett Favre
- Tom Brady

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tight Match, But Again Third Place | Team Trivia DFW

What up folks?  So my team, Trivial Tangent has returned in a much stronger force than last week.   Along with Cynthia, Richard and myself, we were reinforced by Heather, Jason, Maggie, Mindy and Sarah.  We were up against two other veteran teams, Aged & Confused and The Lucky Kermits, plus a semi-new team, Fantastic Four.  We had the great pleasure to sit next to our rivals, Aged & Confused.  Kind of touchy, but cool.  

The first have was very, very close with most of the questions everyone got correct and we killed on the half time question which was on naming 4 movies that Tim Burton directed that didn't star Johnny Depp.  I, being a huge fan of Tim Burton (2nd in my all-time list of directors after Quinten Tarantino), I was able to come up with the four films.  Sweetness.  I may use that question for my own trivia game, Mental Turbulence.  The scores after the first half were:

34 Trivial Tangent
32 The Lucky Kermits
31 Aged & Confused
25 Fantastic Four

The second half continued the tight battle between the top three teams.  The Tangent felt they had some struggles, but after getting the scores before the final round, we learned that the others just about had the same struggles.  Those scores were:

59 The Lucky Kermits
57 Aged & Confused
56 Trivial Tangent
37 Fantastic Four

The final question didn't seem too tough, but pretty tricky.   We had to find out which two countries were on both of the following top ten lists; largest in area and the least densed population.  Every team got the answer wrong by only picking one of the two right answer.   The final scores were:

57 - The Lucky Kermits
42 - Aged & Confused
41 - Trivial Tangent
24 - Fantastic Four

It was a great matchup and we hope for another one next Monday.   Come on out and join us at J R Bentley's on Abrams in Arlington at 7 pm.  

Any questions email Wil at or message @becauseimwil on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Goggle+

7-27-17 History | Trivia of the Day

Which city is know as the birth place of democracy?

- New York City
- Athens
- Sparta
- Moscow

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Sunday, July 24, 2016

7-24-17 Sports | Trivia of the Day

Who won seven gold metals in the 1972 Olympics?

- Jesse Owens
- Mary Lou Retton
- Micheal Phelps
- Mart Spitz

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Saturday, July 23, 2016

7-23-16 Government | Trivia of the Day

Senator Tim Kaine is now Hillary Clinton's choice for Vice President.  What state did Kaine serve as senator and for double point bonus, what other office in that same state did he serve?

Source: Mental Turbulence & NPR

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Friday, July 22, 2016

7-22-17 Government | Trivia of the Day

Name the Republican Nominee for 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012?

Match the year to the nominee.  2 points for each one you got correct. 

Source: Mental Turbulence

Post your answer in the comments.  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

7-21-16 History | Trivia of the Day

Which dog originated in Germany (MP)?

- Beagle
- Poodle
- Dachshund
- Retriever

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

7-20-16 TV | Trivia of the Day

In remembrance and honor of a great writer, producer and director.  Which of the following shows was Gerry Marshall not involved in any of the previous three categories?  

- Happy Days
- Laverne & Shirley
- All In The Family
- Mork & Mindy

Source: Mental Turbulence 

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

7-19-16 Geography | Trivia

Which of the following countries is an archipelago comprised of thousands of islands?

- Austrailia
- Thailand
- Indonesia
- Findland

Source: Trivia Crack

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tangent Maintains Top Three | Team Trivia DFW

So we entered the pub with the intent to defend our first place win from last Monday.  The first half was almost easy with most teams killing it, but us and the infamous Aged & Confused were tied.  

34 Trivial Tangent
34 Aged & Confused 
32 Eight Is Enough
30 Big 12
28 The Mufasas
16 Pokémon Grinder

As we move in to the second half we has a few stumbles including questions on the number of Halloween movies and an actual age of Bryan Adams at a certain time. After the second half the scores were:

65 Aged & Confused
58 Trivial Tangent
54 Big 12
51 Eight Is Enough
44 The Mufasas
44 Pokémon Grinder

The Final Question was definitely up one of the players alley and was a huge thinker.  We bet 13 points and turned it in.  We got all, but one of the answers correct and she was very upset with herself.  We told her it was all good mainly because we placed.  Final score was:

59 Aged & Confused
53 Eight Is Enough
45 Trivial Tangent
42 Big 12
44 The Mufasas
44 Pokémon Grinder

Oh and a lot of us caught a lot of Pokémon.

Onward to next Monday. 

Trivia 7-18-17 Math

Finish This Sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, ___ ? (Worth Double Points)

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Source: Mental Turbulence

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Brain Teaser #1

What does this say?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Source: Riddles & Brain Teasers

Trivia 7-17-17 History

What country wasn't part of the axis forces of World War II (MC)?

- Germany
- Switzerland
- Italy
- Japan

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Trivia 7-16-16 Sports

Which one of the following teams is the biggest rival to the University of Alabama Crimson Tide?

- Louisiana State University 
- Florida State University 
- Auburn University 
- University of Kentucky

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Friday, July 15, 2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Trivia 7-14-17 Sports

Which isn't a penalty in American  Football (MP)?

- Over and Back
- Offsides
- False Start
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trivia 7-13-16 History

Who was the second president of the United States of America?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Riddle July Week One

Many have heard me, 
but no one has seen me, 
and I will not speak back 
until spoken to. 


Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Trivia 7-12-16 History

Theresa May is going to be the next Prime Minister of Great Britain, but not only that, she is going to be the Second Female Prime Minister in history.  Who was the First Female Prime Minister?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Monday, July 11, 2016

Not So Trivial Domination | Team Trivia DFW

So we come in, two weeks later we go into J R Bentley's Pub ready to battle in Play Team Trivia.   At first the Quizmaster was a bit nervous because it was just four veteran teams there and I think they want at least 5 teams participating.   We ended up with 6 teams and the game is on.  

The first half ended very tight with a 3 way tie:

25 Aged & Confused
25 Force of One
25 Trivial Tangent
16 Pokemon Stop
15 Catrice
00 Wilson

We got all four answers correct for the halftime question, then we jump to the second half and the game stayed pretty tight especially between two teams.  In the process we lost two teams and then the field was set for the final question.  

The scores before the final question were:

62 Aged & Confused
60 Trivial Tangent
50 Force of One
37 Pokemon Stop

The final question was presented and we decided to bet 7 points.  We got the question right and the final scores were as follows:

67 Trivial Tangent
62 Aged & Confused
50 Force of One
22 Pokemon Stop

That's right!  We got first place.  Pokemon Shop bet 15 points and got it wrong. Ages & Confused and Force of One bet nothing as we figured they would.  This makes our 3rd first place finish.  Pretty sweet.  

Onward to next week.   If any of you would like to participate in Team Trivia, check out You will get more information and the schedule of where and when.  Look it up and have fun.  

Until next time.........

Trivia 7-11-16 Geography

Two countries border Mongolia.  What is the name of one of them?  (Double your points if you can name both)

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Trivia 7-10-16 Movies

What was Princess Leia's holo-message to Obi-Wan Kenobi via R2-D2?

- "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."
- "I am your daughter."
- "I am Luke's Sister."
- "Darth Vader is coming!  Run!!"

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Trivia 7-9-16 Sports

In football, what is the penalty where the referee makes their hands circle around each other? 

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Friday, July 8, 2016

Trivia 7-8-16 Geography

Which of these is the northernmost city in the United States of America?

- Barrow
- Fairbanks
- Anchorage
- North Pole

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Trivia 7-7-16 Geography

How many time zones are in China?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Trivia 7-6-16 Movies

What is the high school non-musical film "Beastly" based on?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Trivia 7-5-16 Sports

What does Colorado State University's mascot Cam stand for?

- Cold And Mountains
- Colorado A and M
- Come And Mountains
- Nothing

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Monday, July 4, 2016

Trivia 7-4-16 History

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

Name 6 of the Original 13 Colonies. 
(Double your confidence points if you can name all 13).  

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Trivia 7-3-16 Movie

What year did the first Jurassic Park movie debut?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Trivia 7-2-16 Sports

Who holds the record for most extra base hits in MLB history?

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5). 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Trivia 7-1-16 History

What Ancient Chinese practice was used on women?

- Neck Elongation
- Head Wrapping
- Ear Trimming
- Foot Binding

Post your answer and post your confidence points (1 to 5).