How Brainstorm Works.

The way it works is that a trivia question will be posted every day and a riddle posted every week. You will submit your answer in the comment section along with confidence points you want to apply (1-5).

All questions will be up until the end of the month so submit when ever you like. Standings will be updated every month.

Good luck and have fun.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tangent Honor Restored.......Partially | Team Trivia DFW

We have been redeemed!  We have kicked some serious buttocks with only 4 teams participating, our team did very well with the questions.   

Final Scores Were:

68 - Aged And Confused
39 -Trivial Tangent
28 - Where Are My Pants
19 - Mexico

Thank to Benito, Cynthia, Heather, Jenny, Mari, Richard and myself for coming out.  

We shall return next Monday and we shall show how much more useless knowledge we possess.  

If you would like to partake in trivia (team or otherwise), go to to find locations and times.  

Until next time.....

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