How Brainstorm Works.

The way it works is that a trivia question will be posted every day and a riddle posted every week. You will submit your answer in the comment section along with confidence points you want to apply (1-5).

All questions will be up until the end of the month so submit when ever you like. Standings will be updated every month.

Good luck and have fun.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Round Three October '15 Riddle Answers

When I'm used. I'm useless, once offered soon rejected.  In desperation often expressed, the intended not protected.  What Is It?

An Excuse or Alibi


What are the only two states that have their name in their capital?

Indianapolis and Oklahoma City


How many of each species did Moses take on the Ark with him?
None.  It was Noah's Ark, not Moses

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